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How to Make Decisions



Everyone I know has struggled with procrastination, perfectionism(which is just a bougie version of procrastination), and decision-making at some point in their life.  And instead of making decisions, we sit in some version of the same energy – STAGNATION, RESISTANCE, VICTIMHOOD.  Like the energy of Worry, this energy can offer the illusion of action, in the same way that a rocking chair creates motion without propulsion.


Daily we all have hundreds of choices to make.  Some are small stakes, and other directly impact the course of our lives.  So, we all must figure out how to move past stalling and find a way to make Decisions that are in alignment with our highest good. And I believe, as do many others, that if the choice we make is in alignment with our highest good, it is also in alignment with the universal evolutionary drive and the will of God.  


An additional roadblock to decision making is the desire to know the entire roadmap or action plan before starting.  Though this may seem logical, it’s kind of like watching from the sidelines without any skin in the game.  When it comes to life, and especially significant choices, the universe asks us to put some skin in the game before it’s willing to co-create.  You cannot manifest in a vacuum disconnected from the energy of the world, nor can you plan your entire life story and then ask God to make it happen.  This lacks creativity and courage – which I believe are both necessary ingredients for decision making.  


A tool that my spiritual teacher offered me, and I use in my life and support my clients with, is Discernment.  Discernment is the ability to make good judgements from a higher spiritual perspective.  The process of Discernment is to make a choice and then observe the outcome, or the fruit that the choice bears.  If the fruit/results are for your highest good, ie they support your overall well-being and purpose, you are then able to determine if it was the right choice.   There is no sideline sitting in this process.  It requires you to make a move, find the best choice you can, given the information at hand, then witness the outcome.  This process builds on itself, based on the result of the first choice, you then gather that new information in order to make your next choice.  Discernment braids together your energy and the energy of the cosmos, or My Will and Thy Will.  




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